16 thoughts on “Hard-earned satisfaction ”

  1. Such an incredible sketch Pravarthika. I remember once I tried to draw a Phoenix once for one of my poems but ended up making a creature that looked like a drunk ostrich that’s when I knew that drawing wasn’t my cup of tea lol. The flamboyance of your creativity highlights the fact as to what a multi-talented person you really are, keep up the good work Pravarthika. 🙂

    Warm Regards,


    1. 🙂 It is both a boon and a bane to have multiple talents. While it is true that there is more than one art form I can do and like, I go crazy trying to find time for them all. Funny life!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Problem of plenty is always better than a sense of deprivation so cherish your talents to the fullest with a smile as big as river Nile 🙂


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